
About MOi

MOstly speaking.. I'm a pretty simple girl.

I was born and raised in the same city, of the same state, of the same country and haven't really been anywhere else. I once traveled to California by car but that's about the extent of my travels, sadly.

I much prefer to write about adventures; rather than take them. So that's what I do. 
Have you ever gotten that question? "What do you DO?" I do a lot of things but mostly, I write. When I'm not writing, I'm thinking about writing. 

When I was seventeen I came up with this huge and quite frankly, fantastic idea for a book series. I never really got to starting it. I managed to jot down the plot, the characters and a few chapters and then for some reason, never continued to the end.

Austin and I; our silly faces.
I would love to think it was because my social life got crazy but it didn't. A more realistic explanation would be that I got sucked into video games and didn't resurface again until I was about twenty-three. 

Currently living in a too small apartment with my boyfriend, Austin and our two dogs; Kara and Donnor, I do my best to complete the first book of my seven book series. 

Which goes pretty well up until the time he logs on his computer and I can hear his annoying clicking and clacking of his keyboard. That's about when my concentration and thoughts scatter. Naturally but we do the best we can with what life has handed to us. (the whole lemon thing, you know)

I work two jobs- one full time and the other part. I enjoy them both mostly but I do have my days of "cant I get out of here yet?!". But who doesn't have those days?

I'm the type of girl that doesn't mind spending 10$ on samples of beauty products. I'm always in search for the one perfect thing that works better than all the rest. Though, I would never, ever call myself a girly girl. 

You will hardly ever see me with polished nails, in a skirt with my hair done up. That would probably be the day that an alien swapped my brain with someone else's.

I'm always and completely in awe of life and the little things. 

My beautiful, teeny family is the highest on my list of things to be grateful for. Of course, I'll complain about them and snap at them and possibly run away from them for a few hours to get my alone time but you do anything to keep your sanity. Am I right?

I don't do religion but I'm an open minded person (most of the time). I whole-heartedly trust that karma will do its work on those who deserve it. I also trust that if you want something you are the one that should go after it; it should never be handed to you. I'm always frustrated with people; their stupidity, selfishness and ignorance. However, I always seem to keep a positive demeanor and when I don't, I look to my wonderful boyfriend for some guidance.

This is my blog; a sweet mixture of everything that I go through in this crazy life of mine.
I will most likely be changing this in the VERY near future- so I'll end this here. :)

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